Monday, December 31, 2007


It's Monday. I guess I should post. I don't do New Years Resolutions. I know better. I always want to be a better person, I just don't need to make an actual goal.

So, what should I write about on New Years Eve? I'll think on it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Holidays

Well, the holidays are just a memory it seems, but not quite. We have off today though, so that's a good extension. It IS boxing day - not that THAT means anything in the US. Anyway, we still have a get together with the husband's family this weekend and then we are going to some friends' for new years eve.

Well, we are broke so the kids didn't get too much, but luckily I started getting things earlier this year so they got more than I thought. Adults didn't get each other anything, but we are fine with that. We decided we WANT things and we'll get them eventually. I want a new camera (mine broke and the one I'm using now is NOT the greatest.) Kenny wants a new guitar. He just thinks he needs new ones all the time, but that is fine.

Ok, so the kids of the broke people actually DID have a good holiday. Santa brought the girl an easel. I wanted her to get a nice one, but she got kid one from Target and she loved it anyway. I got it on the blitz at 6am and only paid $15 so the fact she loved it is AWESOME. Amory got a MP3 player from Santa. It's a sponge bob one. It was 1gb and you can use a sd card for more space and it was $50. That was our big ticket item, really. I know it was alot, but this kid is a music man. AND, it's big enough he won't lose it. Should be interesting to see what he puts on it. Stockings each had a webkinz, a dvd, a couple of packs of trading cards, a couple hotwheels, and a small thing of candy. Corey got holiday socks and Amory got underwear. No idea why santa sends that sort of stuff OFTEN, but no one argues.

From each other, Amory got a skateboard and Corey got a makeup set. Both things they really wanted, both under $10. Amory really wants a REAL skateboard, but you know, he's 6 and I don't want to shell out that kind of money and have him not take care of it.

From us, Corey got a new karate gi (she needed it and well, you wrap it and it's a gift.), two bratz (yeah, I'm the mom who buys these), two canvases that were pretty big, a fashion design kit (with fabric and needles and everything. She already made a dress), and that may have been it. Amory got a hotwheels set, some marvel action figures, a spiderman memory game, a cosmic catch game, and a small rc helicopter.

Don't feel bad for these kids though, they got a TON of stuff at my mom's house. Mostly clothes, but they both got things they really wanted. Amory got a Nerf N-Strike Disk Shot (yeah, guns too) and Corey got a T.I.M. Doll that she really wanted. I don't know anything about these dolls but she loved it. They also got random stuff over there. Amory got a farm set (which he loved) and Corey got a sword and stand. These will be for display only, but she loved it. She's learning sword in karate this year, so it will be cool to have it. She is really loving the martial arts stuff.

Anyway, we are all done with spending money, so that's good. Hopefully we will still have money for food!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's up

So, I was going to add on to my google meme with a "favorite animal" because I saw it on ...and the pursuit of happiness and thought I was missing out. BUT, I finally decided I didn't have a favorite animal. I love lizards, frogs, and snakes. So something in that area.

I had karate testing which I talked about on my kids' sports blog.

I'm off work for an ice storm that didn't happen. Kids are out of school. The boy has been playing outside in the freezing rain. He forgot his gloves at school yesterday though.

Oh and while Amory was at basketball, Corey was at the church. The music director was RAVING about Amory and the bell choir. Apparently, he just walked in, listened for a bit and got it down immediately. She kept telling my mom how hard it is, but that he picked it up so fast. I always knew he was music minded but WOW, I was so proud of him.

Other than that nothing is going on.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Google Images Meme

Ok, so what the heck is a meme? I looked it up and decided I didn't care that much what the definition was. I liked this one when I saw it on Cheeze Whiz and Mustard so I took it. I randomly read blogs so I hadn't read that one in ages and the first time I do, I steal something.

How it works: Type the answer to each question in a Google image search and post the 1st picture result. (Be forewarned, if you are going to be 34 it's pregnant belly, I went with something else instead though. I'll probably do that for other ones too. I'm a cheater. I also don't know how old I am unless I do the math.) Oh and host them yourself. I don't want anyone thinking I'm encouraging bandwitdth theft.

Age at my next birthday:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I chose this one because it's cool

Place I’d like to travel:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Ireland is just so pretty, and it has lots of haunted places. Also, one of my internet buddies lives in Ireland. I've been infatuated with Ireland for a long time. Yeah, I have Irish blood and many people ask me that because of the red hair. Most people I know that are Irish don't have red hair, but whatever. This lead me on a tangent about red hair, including the origins of red hair. Part of this tangent included the thought of "Why are the red heads in movies bullies?" I know as a kid growing up with red hair, you were more likely to be picked on because of it. Two movies I can think of right now are Billy Madison- the O'Doyles have red hair. And How to Eat Fried Worms- the bully in that one has red hair. Makes me mad EVERY time. I'll live.

Favourite place:
Washington State. These pictures made me home sick and I haven't been there for 15 years! The first one is a similar view you see all over Whidbey Island. The second one is the Deception Pass Bridge. It's how you know you're almost home! I so love the area. You have woods, mountains, ocean, and there is Seattle if you want city life.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Favorite object: This is a hard question. Know in advance that I won't put people because they aren't objects, although there are several people I couldn't do without. The obvious would be a computer. People that know me, know I love my computer. I'm choosing to not interpret this as "possession" though. My favorite object of all time is a car. But, I just have to decide WHICH car is a favorite. My first car was a 1970 buick skylark. Doing an image search just made me fall back in love! I wish I still had one! My second car was a 1971 Pontiac Ventura II. Same basic body style. I had the ventura for a long time. I just needed something more practical when the baby was born (10 long years ago.) I think I sound like a guy stereotype. My loves were cars and I had to let them go for the kid. Oh well, the kid is a keeper! I also had a 1967 Mercedes 230s that I pine for.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Favorite food: Ok, another hard one - Pineapple pizza (yes, I'm a freak)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Of course, I eat at pepperjax so often, so it's also my favorite. Seriously, I ate there Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Favorite color: cerulean (I could say blue, but it's not just ANY blue. I'm a crayola fanatic)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Nick name: I will go with
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Kenny calls me this.

Place you were born:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

that's fun!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The iTunes (or windows media) Meme

LA Daddy posted this on his blog and it's cool Of course, I love music, so that helps. Oh and alphabetically symbols and numbers go before the alphabet and I noticed iTunes puts the numbers last.

The iTunes Meme!

How many total songs? approximately 55210 (in fairness, my husband IS addicted, and many aren't ones I would have necessarily picked, but the music is AS A FAMILY).

Sort by song title - First and Last… First #1 Zero - Audioslave
Last zzxyz - Stone Sour

Sort by Time - Shortest and Longest… Longest The Garden - Cathedral 26:51
Shortest The Ballad Of Jimi Hendrix - S.O.D. 0:05

Sort by Album - First and Last… First 0:12 Revolution In Just Listening - Coalesce
Last ZZ Tops First Album - ZZ Top

Sort by Artist - First and Last… First 100 Demons
Last ZZ Top

Top Five Most Played Songs… Anthrax – Antisocial
Metallica – Jump in the Fire
NOFX – Leaving Jesusland
Ramones – Blitzkrieg Bop
Anthrax – In My World

Find the following words. How many songs show up?
Sex 108
Death 399
Love ll92
You 3074
Home 248
Boy 350
Girl 345

First five songs that come up on Party Shuffle…

Number One Chicken - Red Aunts
In The Wild - Uk Subs
Win - David Bowie
Saccharine - Good Riddance
Diamond Ring - The Black Crowes

What’s in your iTunes? Would you like to play along?

Tag! You’re it!

Monday, November 19, 2007

High School

So, there is this article in the local paper that has me thinking back. It's about band uniforms. It made me think about the uniforms we wore in high school band. Then, it got me wondering. What did everyone else do in high school?

Like I mentioned, I was in band. My favorite part was marching band. I was also in jazz band, percussion ensemble, and of course concert band was part of it. I also was on swim team. Swim team started when I was a little kid. I think I was about 10 when I started swim team. I did state in Nebraska for u12 one year. Placed 17th in backstroke (my worst thing) and that's it. I didn't place in anything else. It was fun though. I still love swimming. It's great exercise, I just wish I could get myself to the pool in the winter. I'm just too tired to get there. It's one of those things where you KNOW exercise is good for you and will liven you up, but you just have to get there first. I also ran track (sprints) all four years, but I sucked at that. Anyway, I think that's about all I did. I did volleyball freshman year and didn't really like it. I did cross country senior year for about a week. I was never supposed to run distance. Seriously, that's insane! Oh, something I did that isn't common knowledge, I did Miss TEEN Kansas when I was a junior. It was interesting. Even then it wasn't my thing, but what the heck, gotta try new things.

So, what did you do in high school? Do you miss it?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Picture Post

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I took this picture ONE year ago. At first glance I think that my kids haven't changed AT ALL. But, they have. Last year they were 5 and 9. This year they are 6 and 10. Why does that seem so much older? Ten is double digits. I remember being 10. I only remember some of 9, like breaking my finger. And six is on TWO hands not one. My daughter is a 4th grader now. That's not a little kid. She's growing so much, and learning so much. She still does the same sorts of things and is very strong willed. However, she's also learned to not be AS shy as she used to be. She now can do things in front of other people without being embarrassed. She also is all of a sudden, understanding math. She struggled with math for so long, but now she "gets" it. Her grades are those that anyone would be proud of.

Amory started school officially this year. He was the type of kid that couldn't sit still to color or cut. Letters were NOTHING to him. Now, just a few months in, he's coloring, cutting, and can read some words! He's still having a hard time doing what he should when it's sitting still too long, but he's getting there. He actually went to karate tournament this year and didn't freak out with the noise and activity. That's a great improvement.

Both these kids have their rotten moments, but they also have their amazing ones.

In case you want to see the rest of the pictures from that photo shoot (looking for a perfect picture for the Christmas cards) here they are.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

So, what's going on.

Again, I've been out of the posting thing for over a month. I have an excuse! The first part is that October is always extremely busy. Both kids have birthdays. That's just the tip of it.

October 6th is my oldest child's birthday. It was also the day of the school fun walk. Well, I ended up with a bad stomach virus and all I wanted to do was puke. I normally help at the fun walk, I went up there, but they sent me home. Turns out we had our best ever turnout and the most money ever raised. Well, sadly we were supposed to go to the amusement park with my daughter and her friends that day. We had to postpone. I felt like the bad mom. She did end up having a great day though. She did the walk then my mom took her, her brother, and her friend running around shopping all afternoon. When my mom got tired of the them, she sent the girls with my husband to the movie and the boy went to my brother's.

Then sometime around the 8th, our cable was off. Luckily, my mom dvr'd many of my shows. BUT, we thought it was from late payment, so we had to wait for a week for pay day. (yeah, we are slow payers, sorry, it happens). I was off work, and no cable. In our house, no cable means no internet. BAD. Well, so that all sucked and we went in and paid it. It's usually back on right away when we get home. NOT this time. We call them and ask and turns out our cable was NOT disconnected all that week. We had tech support and everything. The outside cable was chewed up. Apparently one of my amazingly brilliant dogs chewed it in half.

We did the amusement park on the 13th. It was rainy and gross all morning. Of course it was! It ended up clearing soon after we got there and it was great. We had a TON of fun. Got all the kids home around 9pm!!!

Amory had a great party on the 20th with all his friends.

It was a costume party with a bleeding eye cake (yes, I made it, but while I'm proud of it, it's not that big of a deal). I had absolutely nothing planned other than cake. We had it at my mom's house though and she has a huge outside play area, so that was good enough. Fun was had by all.

Then in case that wasn't enough, we did the whole Halloween thing too. Amory decided to be the Boogey Man instead of a vampire. It could have been awesome, but he had no patience for the makeup, so it was just OK, but people liked it. Corey was still a Rockstar Vampire.

So, mix that with basketball, volunteering at the school, work, gymnastics and karate, we have been running. I do plan to write AT LEAST on Mondays again though. Check back tomorrow. (edited to fix pics)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Yeah, I watch tv - ALOT

I honestly don't watch live tv very much EXCEPT Heroes but I record that too. DVR RULES. So, I had to look up the shows to see what night they are on.

Monday: How I Met Your Mother -I love this show. I laugh at most episodes. Big Bang Theory - Ok, it's new, but I thought what the heck. I liked it I don't know how long it will last though. Most people don't get the geeky humor and sadly, that means they'll pull it. Two and a Half Men - I have always loved Charlie Sheen, so that's an automatic for me. Everybody Hates Chris- Love Chris Rock, and this kid could actually BE him. Too funny. Heroes - NEVER miss this show. I let my daughter stay up late to watch it. We turn it on after 2 and a half men and then we can just skip the commercials. I could probably make a whole post just about Heroes. Journeyman- I watched the premiere of this and liked it. It's very Quantum Leap-ish, but different enough to not think it's copying.
Oh and honorable mention: Chuck- I can't fit it in unless I drop Chris, and I know that they repeat Chris a lot but I just don't know. I watched this Saturday night and liked it a lot. I have to decide by tomorrow! We'll see. I originally thought it was on Tuesdays.

Tuesday: I'm going to check out Carpoolers - who knows, it might be good. I have no desire to watch cavemen. Are you serious? A whole show? The commercials are bad enough. I would watch a geico gecko commercial for 30 minutes MAYBE. Law and Order SVU- I never miss this either. I like the oh and I record Murder on Spike. It's interesting, and since I like the crime shows, I get into this. Reaper I liked it so much. I love Kevin Smith, this was very much like his normal stuff, but at the same time, it was very much it's own thing. Funny stuff though.

Wednesday: Trying out Pushing Daisies - I think this one looks really good. I can't wait to watch it. It's added to my DVR, we'll see if it stays. Then I watch Ghost Hunters- This is actually #1 on my DVR priority list. I'm not home on Wednesdays until late, but I will come in and watch this before bed EVERY time. I even watch repeats of it sometimes. Criminal Minds - I love Mandy Patinkin. I'll miss seeing him on the show, and I'm actually nervous to see what happens in the 2nd episode. CSI: New York- Love this CSI. Most people don't like it as much. Maybe because it's grittier. I personally can't stand Miami. Miami's filming is weird to me and I really hate David Caruso. On the other hand, I like the New York one and really like Gary Sinise. Haunted- is on after ghost hunters on Sci-fi and my husband is recording that, so I'll watch it too. I'm watching the first one now.

Thursday: Without a Trace and CSI -I like this original one. Not interested in the whole Grissom/Sara love thing, but still. Scrubs - one of the best comedies around right now. Have you noticed there AREN'T a lot of comedies anyway. Weird. And I checked into big shots- it was OK I guess. I took it off my DVR list though. I guess if you like deperate housewives you'd like it. It was definitely a serial drama. I like the actors, I've always like Titus. But, I just don't like this kind of drama.

Friday: Last year I watched Men in Trees -and I'll probably watch it still when it comes back. I so see myself getting bored with it though. Moonlight was awesome. It was one that was a TRIAL basis on my list. I am so keeping it. I'm all about the vampires! I loved the film noir feel of this show too.

Weekends: who knows, I guess Law and Order, Shark, whatever oh and football. Oh, and fox on Sundays!!

Other shows I record are : It's always Sunny in Philadelphia on fx and Law and Order CI will be on USA and I have to change my schedule thing for that. Ace of Cakes on Food, Myth Busters on Discovery, Human Weapon on history, Pros vs. Joes on f/x

I think that's it, but I never catch up.

Friday, September 21, 2007


No idea what is going on in this town, but the vomiting must stop. Two staff went home with it yesterday. A few others called in, I have no idea what was wrong with them. One person called in because her son was vomiting. Well, last week at the kids' school there were FOUR kids sick in the lunch room in ONE day. That was the day I visited. Glad I missed it all! One of the kids was in my son's class, but I must have been at recess already by the time that happened. Anyway, yesterday at work was INSANE. We have to keep ratios in each room depending on age group. Luckily, it went ok as far as that goes because seriously, it could have been worse.

During quiet time though, I worked on Amory's invitations for his party. He's having a Halloween Party. Costumes "encouraged". I need to order him some crafts for the party. Gotta have a plan. They may play outside, but you never know what the weather will be like in October.

Monday, September 17, 2007

oh and

On the fun side. Yesterday, I took the kids to their first comic con. It was a small one here in town called freecon and they got to look at stuff and get free comics. Corey wanted to see artists and there was only one actually drawing, but she got to see how fast he drew. Amory has completely outgrown the super hero thing I think. He went more towards star wars. Corey really wanted a poster. She ended up getting ultimate x-men. It was funny because neither kid knew more than superman and batman in the DC comics. Kinda sad though.

Speaking of that have you seen the I'm a Marvel, and I'm a DC videos? Funny!


I haven't been to the blog world in AGES. I guess I just took a break for no reason! I haven't read a blog or wrote one in WEEKS. I'm trying to catch back up now.

What have we done since the end of August? Not much really. Right now, we are planning birthdays for both kids. They have October birthdays. Corey is going to invite a couple friends to Worlds of Fun. It's an amusement park over in Kansas City. Honestly, taking a few friends there will PROBABLY be cheaper than getting somewhere rented for a party.

Amory is having a halloween party. I'm all about that. Usually I pull the lazy, buy a cake thing. I'm SO making this cake. I am doing something layered and pumpkin on top and going for bleeding too. I WILL take pics of that one. I'm stoked. I may have to make one now next week to try it out.

Monday, August 27, 2007


I would love to go on a real vacation. I haven't done that in ages. If I could go anywhere, where would it be? Who would go with me?

If I was taking my family I'd like to do a few different things. The first thing they HAVE to get in a plane and see the ocean. I can't believe my husband has never been to the ocean. It breaks my heart almost. Even in the middle of the country, I feel the ocean calling. I just want to go run in the ocean, feel the sand under my feet, squishing in my toes. Shoot, while we are at it, we could go to California and visit the redwoods, or go camping in Washington state. Beautiful country. It amazes me how some parts of this land are so pretty. Kansas is OK, but it's not all that pretty.

Another place I'd like to take my family is on a historical trip. Boston, Philadelphia, that sort of thing. I went to Boston over a year ago and it was so cool to see the history. Kansas is cool because it has very interesting Civil War history, especially Lawrence. But just the age of some of the buildings on the East Coast is amazing to me.

That leads to my other dream vacation. Ireland. Well, acutally, anywhere in the UK or the Republic of Ireland. Speaking of beauty and history. I would be there in a second if I had the money. I really would love to see some castles and stuff like that. If the kids didn't go, I'd so go check out some of the haunted stuff. I hear they have tours and such.

With no kids, I would pick New York City. I fell in love with that place when I visited for work. There is so much to do and see. I would love to take my husband to NYC. I think he'd love it too.

Another thing I want to do is to tour the country and ride all the roller coasters I can. I love roller coasters. Would I take my kids? Doubtful. Both of them have been crazy scared of things lately. Who knows. They may grow up by the time I get rich enough for this trip though!

Monday, August 20, 2007


The kids are at school. The husband is at work. NOW WHAT? I'm currently cleaning off my desk. You see, I have a horrible habit of putting things on my desk that have no business on a desk. I also got a new monitor, but there is NO way that thing will be on this desk at this rate. SO, here I sit with a trash can next to me. Of course this leads to distraction. I started writing this about 20 minutes ago. I got side tracked by the Garbage Pail Kids on my desk. Then I had to google them. Then add to it odd things on my desk. So far, the weirdest is 2 Christmas ornaments. What month is this? I'm sure it's not December!

The cool part of being here alone. No tv. Now don't get me wrong, I like to watch tv, but sometimes I would love for it to not be on. In fact, I have the winamp going and only have to listen to what I want. Oh, yeah, Mondays will be good for that. Right now, Black Flag is playing and I don't have to listen to the tv over powering it and I don't have to hear anyone else's music even louder.

But, the bad part. If you have ventured over to my other blog, the one about the kids' sports and stuff, you know that I love to run the kids around. I don't have anything to do today. NOTHING. And oddly, there are no activities tonight either.

If I find anything else cool on my desk, I'll edit this. But, before I hit "publish post, I've got a Ryne Sandberg card and a Danny Manning card on this side of the desk. Now we head to side two.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I should have posted yesterday

At the very least I post on Mondays because I don't work and it's my down time. Well, it's the LAST Monday before school starts. Well, we have a tradition at our house called donut Monday. We head to the gas station and buy some krispy kremes. Well, my son, being the brainiac he his all of a sudden has figured out days and has a sense of time. He asked to go to "donut Monday". How could I refuse, it's his last Monday home for a LONG TIME! I still can't believe my youngest child starts school this week!

After we eat our donuts, we went to hobby lobby to make a return. I got $16.08 back. Then we head to Pet World. That is my favorite pet store. It's locally owned and sometimes costs more, but the animals are better and the staff is friendly. So, we got a few hamster things and some crickets for the chameleon. We start to leave (we'd been in the store over an hour). Amory decides he wants a new hamster (you may remember we've had bad luck with hamsters). Well, he had $16 left of his allowance, he now has a new hamster. This one is named Chocolate and it moved in with Corey's hamster Vanilla (she helped in the naming).

We finally leave, grab lunch and just chill out for a few minutes. Get a call that the kids are starting swim lessons. Get another call that it's canceled. Had a meeting for PTA. Left the kids here and they were asleep before I got back. Corey starts school tomorrow! Amory starts on Friday. Look out!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stumble Upon

If you have firefox, you should have some cool add ons. I LOVE the FTP add on because it's free and it works well for uploading to my websites. Before I discovered the ease of the FTP transfer, I had to upload each individual smiley to a message board. Then, I figured out the FTP thing and it's so much easier. I also have an add-on called cool iris that lets you preview a link without ever leaving the page you are on. I use it a lot on myspace to see who is trying to add me. I also use it when reading a news article or a blog that has a link to another post that I want to see, but don't want to be bothered with the back button.

But, my favorite thing is stumble upon. I find sites that have tshirts from my childhood , cool swords, and a funny thing that tells you what you are. By the way, I'm a funky egg who likes to teach ringtails. It's cool because it gives you things in your interests. I get a lot of the same one my husband does (we must have similar interests). But, I also get stuff he doesn't like Drum Corps International. Anyway, if you have firefox (and you should) get stumble upon. It might up your bandwidth, but it's still cool.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The weekend

So, Saturday was busy. We found out a church was handing out backpacks with supplies to kids in K-6th. We went there and of course it was packed, but the kids got their backpacks. Amory wanted a character bag though, so he was happy to get stuff, but wanted a different bag. Since we saved money, I agreed, and he's giving his to a friend that has a bag that's all torn up. Anyway, it's his first year, he should have a bag he loves! He ended up getting a star wars backpack. He's all packed and ready.

After that, we had to take the dogs to the vet to get their stitches removed. Smokey, the bigger dog was NO problem. Flipped him over, snip, snip, done. Zeus, the min-pin, only had one stitch, but my goodness, that little shit was hard to hold down. Then, it turns out, when he was there for the surgery and boarding, they forgot to do his shots. So, we had that ordeal too.

We came home, and headed to target. My kids think that target is the pinnacle of fine dining. Seriously, they BEG to eat at target. So, we eat, and look at school supplies. There were a few things they didn't have in the bags. And, we picked up the star wars backpack. We thought about going to wal-mart too, but we went home. We did end up at walmart later and picked up the very last things for school supplies. Both kids also got binders even though they don't need them. But, they pay for those with their allowance. The mean mom that I am, I made Corey pay for her spirals too. I will pay the $.10 it costs for a plain one, but the $2 it costs for Corbin Bleu, she has to pay. She got a few plain and 3 "fancy" ones. She's happy.

Sunday, my mom took us school clothes shopping. I got Amory some converse all stars for $11. There was one pair and they were his size. I was NOT leaving them in the store. Anyway, we ate lunch at JR's place GREAT food. We got tons of stuff. Came home and relaxed. I did go to bed a bit early.

Today, we hope to run around downtown, but the darn kids won't wake up!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007


Another favorite food. Today is national Watermelon day. Heck I could eat a whole watermelon. I love it, but it gives me a sugar high if I eat that much, and it makes me pee. So hyper and have to potty. Maybe that's why I don't often buy it at home. I don't want those qualities in my kids.

Yesterday would have been my dad's birthday. He's still missed all these years later. Happy Birthday Dad! Something funny half related to my dad is that his name was John. (yeah that's not the funny part, everyone was named John). Well, my son's name is Amory John. So, the funny part is that Amory thinks every stuffed animal or hamster or whatever he gets should be named... John. He even wanted to name our dog John. Seriously, we chose the name Amory because we liked it and it was just different enough to not be too weird, and he LOVES the name John.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Today is National Cheesecake Day!

I wish I had the $$ to go get me some too. Man I love cheesecake. I do NOT like the jello kind. I'll eat it for the flavor if desperate, but I don't eat gelatin generally so anyway. What kind of cheesecake do I like? Well, there is the obvious plain. I like them alot. I use lemon zest in mine and it gives it a bit more tang. Yummy. I will eat those with berries (raspberry is my least fave). I have tried banana cream, dulce le leche caramel (VERY sweet, but yummo), chocolate chip, and chocolate (I've made one and it was good). Now I could sit and drool on the cheesecake factory's menu all day. I really NEED to get myself to one of those places. I don't even need dinner. I'd eat dessert all day. Ok, but my FAVORITE cheesecake is pumpkin cheesecake. I make this (along with regular pumpkin pie) every thanksgiving. I could eat it non-stop. Seriously, I love pumpkin, but in cheesecake it's even better.

Do you like cheesecake? What kinds? Flavors you've tried and didn't like?

Super heroness

Last post on this topic (at least for today). I've decided to pick super powers, BECAUSE if I pick the magical powers like Harry Potter (which are cool) you have regulations. If you pick ones like the Xanth novels, you may end up with a lame one based on what you are born with. (Of course I did say you could chose your power, but whatever). So, I'm going with Marvel Girl/Phoenix the Rachel Summers Phoenix, not Jean Grey ultimately they are the same powers, just Rachel is cooler and has Cyclops for a dad. I am partial to the red hair. Her powers are listed as :Omega Level
Unlimited telepathic and telekinetic abilities, small fragment of the Phoenix force and residual Phoenix power, time traveling abilities. Basically she can do whatever she wants. :)

how did I get the powers? I have X-men powers, they are genetic.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Magic Power vs. Super Power (an essay on my dorkiness)

Don't you hate it when someone else makes you think? Over at Corky's Log there is a post about another post at Cynical_Bastard's (which was actually interesting and I may start following that blog too) about which would you rather have magical powers or super powers.

Well, interestingly most people said magical. I say interesting here even though it's NOT all that interesting if you are thinking of Harry Potter powers. You can do almost anything with magical powers like in the Harry Potter books. All the everyday crap you have to do like cooking and cleaning would be a flick of the wrist. Transportation? The Flue Network is cool, hop in the fireplace and go to someone else's fireplace. But apparating would be great. You could NEVER be late for work. 6:59, pop, I'm at work. Leaving at the last minute is OK (yeah, I leave late daily. I'm addicted to the internet.)

However, what kind of magic are you talking about when you make a blanket statement like "Would you like magical powers or super powers?" One series of books that I LOVE is the Xanth Series by Piers Anthony. He has magical characters. However, most of them have ONE magical ability. There is a girl who can change the color of her hair and her twin sister that can change the color of other peoples' hair. Ok, there are good talents too, like Bink has the talent of protection from magic. Dolph can change his form; which is cool too. But seriously, what's the point in having a talent like changing your eye color. While cool, it's not particularly useful.

Then there are super powers. What is a super power? Like the United States? No, like a super hero. But just because you are a super hero (or even super villain) you don't necessarily have a power. Seriously, Batman has no super power. He is the best of everything. He's extremely smart, agile, and obviously strong. I think he's a ninja or something (actually, I don't know much about Batman Begins as I fell asleep for the movie, but I heard something about ninjas). Green Lantern doesn't have a power, he has a magic ring that gives him power (different rings get their power differently). And not to just pick on DC comics, I'll look at some Marvel people too. Captain America, like Batman, is ultimately an amazing human that trained himself to be above and beyond everyone else.

And then how do the ones with powers get them? Does it matter? If it comes from a symbiotic suit (Venom), you were born with it mutant style(most of the X-men), an experiment gone wrong (Hulk, Morbius), a weapon made by the government (well, he was a mutant first but he THOUGHT he was a weapon - Wolverine), a mishap of some sort like being bit by a spider or a space accident (Spidey, Fantastic Four) or an alien (Superman) does it matter? I guess not.

But seriously, I think the real questions are: If you could have a power of some sort what would it be and how did you get this power? Would you use it for good, evil, or just everyday stuff like doing the dishes? Would you be part of a team or a loner?

(I'll make another post when I decide what my answers would be).

ok editted (apparently I have a bad side)

Don't worry, I'm looking for a good super hero one too. Maybe even gi joes and star wars too.

What house are you sorted in

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

Back with what GI Joe are you. I got Snake Eyes which rules because he's the coolest. When we were kids, I was always either Snake Eyes or Flint (did you know Flint was a Kansan?)

Your Score: Snake-Eyes

You scored 64% Initiative and 91% Combat Prowess!

Expert in 12 Fighting systems? Master of all edged weapons? Commando status? You are perhaps the most deadliest member of the team. You have combined the best of both worlds...ancient and modern forms of combat. On top of that you have a high moral code...probably why him and "Scarlett" are in love. You saved her life but in exchange became a mute and had your face heavily disfigured...

Link: The Which G.I. Joe Character R U Test written by Simple_Man on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Marvel character?

You scored as Gambit, Born on the bayou, Remy LeBeau is a Cajun theif who seeks to avenge the death of his family. You are a kindhearted person who is not afraid to mix it up and bend the rules a bit.



Mr. Fantastic




Dr. Octopus














Which Marvel Comic Character are you?
created with

DC character
You scored as The Joker, You are The Joker!
You are a psychopath! Corrupt to the core, you enjoy causing pain and suffering. You will get your way or people will get hurt. Although you HATE those that oppose you, you do enjoy the challenge and will fight back for fun!

The Joker


Wonder Woman








The Green Lantern


The Flash




What Famous DC Character Are You?
created with

And finally Starwars

You scored as Darth Maul, You are fairly quiet but speaking is unimportant, for your actions speak volumes. You have a fair number of tattoos, but that's okay, because they look cool. Now if only you could find a really good surgeon to sow you back together.

Darth Maul


Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader




Han Solo




Padme Amidala


Luke Skywalker


Boba Fett


Leia Organa


Obi-Wan Kenobi


Which Star Wars character would you be? (pics)
created with

Monday, July 23, 2007

what's up?

not much.

Did you read the new Harry Potter yet? I did and really enjoyed it. I'm not going to give away anything, but I'd be happy to discuss it in emails. Anyway, I read it this weekend as soon as I got it. I had a long weekend, so I was tired, but I kept reading anyway. Only thing I regret is that it's over. I half wish I would have slowed down and savored every page. Oh well, I suppose I can re-read it.

This weekend, I also read the first two books in the spiderwick series by Holly Black. I think there are 5 books in that series. A movie is coming out based on these books (I'd say they are geared for 3rd to 5th grade, but I'm not good at judging). I intend to read the last 3 as soon as possible so I can get them out of the way before the movie comes out.

Speaking of movies and Harry Potter and stuff what books will fans read now? What books will be made into movies? Like I said, Spiderwick is good. Other series for young readers that are in the fantasy vein that I have read include Septimus Heap, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, and Artemis Fowl and Charlie Bone. I also enjoyed Wrinkle in Time (and will pick up the others in that series.) Also, be sure to check out the Cornelia Funke books, I hear they are great too.

Spiderwick is about 3 children who find a book about a "fantastical world". Because of this book, they end up having many adventures including meeting brownies, fairies, and trolls.

Septimus Heap is the series that I can see younger Harry Potter fans looking to. It's about a wizard family and Septimus is the 7th son of a 7th son. He is believed dead, but he isn't. The adventures are just begining.

Bartimaeus is interesting. Another young magician with family problems. This boy summons a djinni (genie).

Artemis is my favorite. He's NOT a wizard or a magician or anything like that. He's just insanely smart! He has many adventures involving the faeries and other magical creatures.

Charlie Bone has a power from being a descendant of the red king. His power is hearing thoughts or conversations in photographs. These books are easy and not as good as Harry Potter. BUT, I think kids would like it way more than adults.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

a funny kid said

So, we are at the restaurant. There is a fly in the window sill and the kids are poking it and proclaiming it alive and then dead. SEVERAL MILLION TIMES seemingly. Well, it's alive. So anyway, Corey said, "I think it's been sterilized". I'm sorry to say, I laughed my butt off. After I calmed down, I asked her if she meant paralyzed and told her that sterilized meant he was either never having kids again (which is the version that popped in my head making me laugh so hard) or so super clean he could perform surgery. I also defined paralyzed. She nodded slowly and smiled like, "yeah, I got it." And said she meant he was her doctor and he wasn't having any more babies anyway.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

Well for those of you that know me, you may now that I'm not superstitious. In fact, I've always loved Friday the 13th because it IS Friday after all. Today was the exception! I didn't even remember it WAS the 13th. So, anyway for reasons I'm not getting into right now, we didn't have electricity last night. We slept like crud with no air and the boy being afraid of the dark. Oh well, that worked out. I thought, what the heck, I'll get to work early, I can't go online or anything. Guess what! We drove my vehicle when we went out yesterday. Kenny used my keys and never gave them back. It was before 7, so I knew he wasn't at work yet and I called him. He brought my keys to me and I was still leaving in time to be ON TIME. Well, I get in my car and head one direction, he heads the other. My car dies on the wrong side of the street for parking on, just half a block away. SO, I immediately call Kenny whose phone went straight to voice mail. I call again. Nothing. Call my mom thinking my step-dad would be there since it's his DAY OFF! But NO, the guy doesn't take days off. He gets a day off from his job and goes to work with a friend. Call good old husband and cuss out his voice mail. So, I figure out what was wrong with the car when I got out and see a huge puddle and notice it really smells like gasoline. I stand back and see a hose under the car dripping. I decide to check it out and see if I could figure out what it was, and my mom drives up while I'm contemplating the hose. Well there was this nice shiny part under there. I knew that my husband and step dad had changed something to do with the fuel line. (it's a fuel filter I hear) Anyway, so I got it figured out. Thankfully it didn't take long because I kept trying to start it at first and when you turn on the ignition of a fuel injected car, gas starts flowing. Anyway, called husband's work before figuring it out and he SAYS he can't do anything and he might be able to leave work in about a half hour. Yeah that helps! NOT. So anyway, I walk home to find a screwdriver. My mom pulls into the drive way to give me a ride to my car. Ok, it's three houses down, but ok. So, anyway, I got it fixed, got bird shit on my arm and my other arm is soaked in gas. The freaking gas that cost about $3.10 a gallon. I kept thinking how much money was on the ground.

So, I made it to work and couldn't stop shaking. Too much adrenaline. But, my stepdad finally calls my mom's cell and tells her something. She said, "I want you to tell Nikki that." and hands me the phone. He said, "I bet it was leaking fuel behind the driver side rear tire, wasn't it?" He KNEW it might not be tight enough. They didn't have a screw driver to do it, so they did it with pliers and HOPED it would work. So, of course they were on my shit list for awhile.

Luckily, the rest of the day was good. Oh, and we played kickball at the park and my team of ragtag 5 to 8 year olds beat the other kids - even though their teacher was sure they would win.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Movies of the last 25 years

71%The Movie Quiz - Movie Reviews

Well, I haven't seen them all! What about you?


When we bought a house, I was excited to be able to have a dog. I wanted an older dog from the shelter. Well, my mom takes my son to a breeders house who just happened to have a dog that was old and retired. We could have her (if we got her fixed). She's a Jack Russell Terrier. Good dog, too. She definitely has old lady attitude.

Well, fairly recently, my cousin tells us that his dogs were going to have puppies. His male was a dachshund/min pin. His female- pitbull/rot. So I say, OH THAT might be a cool puppy. Guess what, they had ONE puppy. It is cute. Guess who owns his dumb butt? Me. He is a definite puppy. Very crazy and goofy. Hope he calms down SOMETIME!

Now, my mom raises min pins. RAT DOGS! She ends up giving one to my daughter. Ok, it's kinda cute and it's not annoying like his mom and sister. (I don't know if it's breed specific or just them, but the females are horrible).

Ok, so this AM they all get out of the fence. The two younger ones found a way out. They took off. I can hear them on the wrong side of the house as I'm getting dressed. So, not dressed, I have to go out to chase two dogs. So, I open the gate and out runs the third. Well, she came back right away. Finally get the rat dog. My daughter comes out to help, and she's down the block. Apparently, the dog ran all the way down the street. The neighbor lady says "I feel for you." I know she does because her dogs do the same thing. At least our neighborhood isn't ultra picky about this stuff. But how the hell did I get 3 dogs???

Friday, July 6, 2007

Now that you are a mom shouldn't you dress better?

I mean, really? This was the most annoying question I remember from being pregnant with my first child. Oh, it ranks up there with something about my hair. AND, if you know me, you know that I'm not a "traditional" type of person. I mean the name ntaspnkasu that is the screen name of this blog translates to "not as punk as you". I cut my hair how I want and at this time it's long for me at nearly 3 inches. Oh, and I'm sure someone would probably like me to change my musical taste and stuff like that too. But, I digress, so...

I didn't know there was a mom dress code. I even bet you can't guess who asked me if I was going to start dressing better. No, not my boss even though I did work in the same place during both of my pregnancies. Work place dress codes ARE common, but that's got nothing to do with parenthood. Yeah, you got it. Good old mom. You would think that mom's would support you. She did and does on so many things. BUT, she has a definite on how things should be. Apparently, moms don't wear converse all stars or tshirts. Those boots have to go. Don't you know that it's an INSULT to say, "Your momma wears combat boots"? Anyway, why should a mom be your only definition? I want to be a mom, a wife, a teacher, a writer, a student, a music lover, an opinionated woman, and just plain ME.

As a side note, you don't have to wear "mom jeans" just because you are a mom. It's ok. Your belly button does NOT need to be covered by jeans. Your waist is NOT your belly button. T-shirts are fine for just hanging out. They are fine for work if you are used to making messes with 5 year olds all day. They are fine for seeing a band play. And sorry, I will NOT pay tons of money for shoes or purses.

Oh and a question I didn't actually hear, but was told that it was asked, "Is their kid going to be born with colored hair, tattoos, and piercings?" When I heard that one, I was offended as I don't have any of that stuff, and neither did my husband. But I didn't let that show. I said, "Gosh, I hope so. I hope genetics has nothing to do with anything and I get a kid with green hair." It was his sister-in-law though, so whatever. We are the freaks in both families, WHATEVER (favorite word in case you can't tell).

Anyway check this out:
Don’t you wish you could have just handed them this?

Read more at the Parent Blogger Blog Blast today. Seriously, I read a ton of these and just nodded and laughed. I swear I related to so many of these!

Monday, June 25, 2007

M is for MEME

Ok, so there is this blog ...and the pursuit of happiness and she had a cool meme so I decided to participate. The idea is the person gives you a letter. Ms. Sunshine gave me the letter M. Then you get to write about your ten favorite things beginning with that letter. If anyone one (of my other 2 readers) want to do it, let me know, I'll give you a letter and I promise not to pick something like X.

So, I get M mighty mighty M

1. Monday What's that you say? Yes Monday. I work 4 ten hour days. My day off is Monday! While most people are at work whining "I hate Monday." I'm usually at home chilling on the computer. Worst case, I have an appointment and have to go to that. This last semester, my husband switched to days so it was my son and I only. This school year, I may volunteer at the school more, because the evil one starts school all day. But, that's my choice!

2. message boards I'm so completely addicted to message boards. Well, it's not too bad any more. I go to blogs more. But, it's basically the same. I used to have a whole folder of message boards, now I spend most of my Monday on a birth month board that was from way back in October 2001. We started on ePregnancy and then that morphed in to geoparents. Then it went to sheKnows. It lost all semblance of what we liked and became a dictatorship. Plus, all the dads on there were NOT happy with the new name. Well, one group made a debate board that I was a part of for awhile (that split into another board that I am still half way a part of) and then we made our own birth month board. Recently I also made one for people who graduated with me. It's pretty slow, but we weren't a big class. But I check it a few times a day.

3. Music To me, music is so important. I love all music. Sticking the M theme is hard here as I love so much, but here are some M artists I like: me first and the gimme gimmes, Minor Threat, Glenn Miller, Miles Davis, Motley Crue (I know, but can't help liking them), Madball, Ministry, mudvayne, melvins, murphy's law, misfits, mix master mike, mr bungle, I'm sure there are more.

4. movies I love to watch movies. I refuse to strain my brain to think of all the M movies I like. But, I like movies. I don't like old old movies though. I just can't handle how hokey they are. I mean there are a few I like, but everyone raves about casa blanca and I just can't handle it.

5. Mail Well, good mail anyway. I like catalogs, packages, letters, and of course birthday cards with MONEY (I thought of using money as an M I like, but that's a given.) I don't like junk mail and bills though.

6. May The month? Not really. I mean the name. It's my last name now that I'm married. The month is OK, it's the last day of school, my husband's birthday, Memorial day, and Mother's day. But as a last name it's pretty good. My maiden name was Plummer so you get all those jokes. But, along with the name, you get the fact that I'm married to a great guy. I mean, he's awesome and he puts up with me. That's a good thing. I'm kinda annoying but then, so is he.

7. messy projects I like to make big messes at work. I work with 5 and 6 year olds. We love to make messes. We did the mentos thing. We made goo that was a sticky grossness. And, we are always gluing things and breaking things, and well, you get the idea. Oh, and mud puddles and water sprayers are always fun. I usually come home GRUBBY!

8. M&Ms Really, I like candy, but if you get down to it, I get m&ms the most often. I like plain. I'll occasionally eat peanut, but not often. I'm not a huge chocolate person, but I do eat quite a few m&ms.

9. Massachusetts Is that spelled right? yeah, I think it is. Ok, in fairness the only place I've been is Mass is Boston, but I loved it. We walked every where. I met a few of my online buddies for the first time, and had a bunch of fun. This would be a great place for a family vacation with all the history and stuff.

10. Motherhood Seriously, just being a mom is good. When your 5 year old walks in and says, "Mom, I need to borrow a peanut." And you say, "Borrow? Are you bringing it back?" Be prepared for the answer. He does plan on bringing it back. That smirk makes you think it's not a good idea. (He's planning to see what happens when you put in the nutcracker even though I told him those are for nuts with shells.)

honorable mention is Meme's (because sometimes I just have no idea what to write) and martial arts (because I like to watch my daughter's karate, and swords are cool.)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Star Wars

Ok, so we all know star wars rules. BUT now my 5 year old realizes it too. He is constantly playing star wars on playstation. He also has MAD lightsaber skills. He flies off the deck with his lightsaber with great flair.

I have no clue how many lightsabers we have in this house. Every time he gets money, he buys a new one. He has the "build your own" one that he made into darth maul's.

He's finally watching the movies a bit more. He still can't sit for a whole two hours, but he is getting more. But honestly, I watch them when he puts them on so it's not too bad. I'm still sad that I don't have the ORIGINAL star wars (not episode 4). I know it's been said before about the scene with Greedo and Han, but wow it sucks now. I have the version where they shoot at "nearly" the same time. It looks bad and took away from the original. Ok, enough rambling, but did you know there is a conspiracy theory page on the whole thing? Very interesting. And does it bother anyone other than me that people keep calling it "episode 4" or "a new hope"? I mean, it's STAR WARS, the next one is The Empire Strikes Back, and then finally Return of the Jedi. I know they said what episode it was on the words scrolling up even originally, but who cares?

Then to add to me being neurotic, I have toys that my son can not play with. He asks me all the time if I am ready to open my Boba Fett yet. I'm not. Poor mistreated kid. In fairness, I have let him play with some things, but he is DESTRUCTIVE.

Well, I won't babble on any more now.

Friday, June 22, 2007

writing for writing sake.

So, I had something I wanted to say, but no clue what it was.

Work was cool today. We did the mentos and soda thing (do you say soda, co' drink, pop, coke, soft drink, what?) Anyway, we had each kid bring in a 20oz soda. We guessed which would work the best, and then at the end I had a 2 liter of diet coke to do. I didn't tell them it was diet coke though; I peeled the wrapper off. Anyway, so interestingly Pibb Xtra worked the best out of the choices we had. I was surprised. I kept hearing that the diets worked best, but not in our lab tested experiments!! Anyway, so then I was trying to drop the mentos in the 2 liter. Well, I only got one in there and it shot into my face! The kids thought that was awesome. I thought it was sticky, but it was worth it. The funny part was that we were using a stick to measure and one of the boys asked what we would say if it went past the stick. We told him that it was a max. Well, why was that funny? His name was Max and he thought we made it up because he asked it. So all day he said that the diet coke was a Max. Gosh I love 5 year olds!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

ah kids

So, my dash light that illuminates my speedometer has been out for awhile. Well, I hit a pothole the other night. It came back on. When I got home, I parked with my tire on the curb slightly. It made the light pop off again. So, driving home last night, I tell the husband that I think something is loose in that side of the car. So he slaps the dash. The light flashes on. We were both impressed. He said, "Hey, I didn't think it would work. I'm the Fonz". So, in pops the boy from the back seat. "What's a Fonz?" Seriously, I laughed the rest of the way home.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Well, nothing was going on yesterday. That's not usual around this place. Today we will be going to worlds of fun for lots of fun! Tomorrow we will be at CK's softball game. Sounds like a good weekend to me.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Ok, so we are bad news to hamsters. Some time ago, we got our daughter (by we, I mean the easter bunny) a hamster set up. Well, she used her allowance to buy food and a hamster. ALL SET, right? Then she convinced her brother to get one too. She named hers Lightning and he named his John. Well, soon, someone left the cage open and John was gone. Eventually, The Evil One got a new hamster and named him John 2. Well, things are going well until the boy lived up to his evil moniker. He took Lightning out of the cage and lost it. Now, we have two hamsters running free somewhere in our house. Of course with a cat and two dogs, if they aren't in the walls, they are dead. Well, fast forward to earlier this week. I get a text message that John 2 is dead. Apparently the girl left the cage open and the cat killed it. Luckily the girl didn't see all the gory details, but she was traumatized anyway. Well, I really started to like the darn rodents, so I bought replacements today. Great, I let them pick out their own and we were all happy with a new location for their cage that was boy proof and cat proof. Fast forward to midnight (right now). I have been holding John 3 most of the evening. He is probably going to die. He is a gorgeous gray. At the store, he was active and in the box home, he was playful. Now, he is laying around and breathing weird. I'm nearly in tears over this. The boy is worried, but he is trying to convince himself it's just tired. I hope he's right. The boy went to bed, and I've sat and tried to get the hamster to come around. All the websites don't list symptoms that fit everything here, except possibly a stroke. WHAT? Seriously? Anyway, the girl hasn't named hers yet, but it's so freaking active it's probably ran 5 miles already on the wheel. Anyway, I'm afraid to stop my vigil, but I'm so tired. I am sure if he's not with us in the morning I will cry. I mean, I've only had him here for a few hours, but I can't handle it. Update in the morning.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


So, it was my 15 year high school reunion. The cool thing was seeing people you haven't seen in a few years. But, you know why you don't see them much? Probably because you don't have much in common with them. Anyway, I met my friend's husband for the first time. I liked him, he was really nice. Before the "party" we went to my brother in law's house. It's always good to catch up with them. Then on to the party and the food was not bad, but small portions and we had paid $20 a person (it was to cover other expenses, but whatever). Anyway, after the dinner portion, that was the only organization there was. The rest of the night was a booze fest. Not much fun if you aren't a drinker. Luckily there were some people that can consume responsibly and so we still had some people to talk to. All in all, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last day of 3rd grade!

Ok, so it's not MY last day, but it's my last day of 3rd grade homework. Guess what. On the last assignment, I got 16/16. Oh, nevermind, to give credit where it is due, it was an ORAL report, so my daughter got those points. But, I scored well on my writing and display; she read it well though. The funny thing is that we made a book instead of a poster because I don't have poster board just laying around. She got a note on her report that praised her for that. It was great because I told her it didn't HAVE to be a poster. YAY! Actually, she did great in 3rd grade. I'm proud of all the work she did. Oh and her teacher rocked and the kids were lucky to have him.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Funny story I nearly forgot

Ok, so this kid walks into the class room and said, "Hey, guess why I was late coming to school today,"

With that sort of lead in, you just have to know so I of course said, "Well, you went to eat breakfast?"

"No", comes the reply. "My poop was stuck and wouldn't come out." Short pause here. "Hey, Nikki, do you know what was in my poop."

I was sure I knew at that point, but can't spoil that fun. "No, hun, I don't."

"Corn! There was corn in my poop."

To which I have to reply, "Yeah, that happens sometimes."

All this happens while the dad is standing there trying to hide. He then informs his son that he doesn't have to share the story with EVERYONE that day. Poor dad, but we thought it was hilarious.

yay work

I don't know why I've been at the same job for 12 years. They drive me nuts, but oh well. I guess I'll probably be there forever.

All my kids are leaving soon! I'm getting new ones next week. The sad part is the ones I adore are leaving the center. Some are moving to the school age room, but not all. I lost one yesterday and I think two today. Ok, gotta grab the camera and head out. Busy night tonight. If it doesn't rain, I'm going to go see a baseball game and then head to karate for Corey.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The girl's first show

Corey had her first concert the other night. She saw clutch live. It was about 1000 people from what I hear. All I know is it sold out. Anyway, she had a blast and got some drum sticks and was near the stage the entire time. Too fun. Poor kid slept most of Saturday though.

music meme from la daddy (see links)

Ok, so it's really from a post of his at blogfathers (also linked)

What song do you hear that takes you back to high school?
In highschool I listened to tons of stuff. I mean seriously from the 50's stuff my mom had around (Bill Haley is a favorite to this day) to the stuff that was out on the radio at the time (like Guns and Roses and Motley Crue,) and stuff that wasn't on the radio much (like Suicidal Tendencies, DRI, Billy Idol, Anthrax, Fabulous Thunderbirds) as well as Beastie Boys and such.

But the song that I didn't really listen to a lot, but that reminds me of high school is Come as you are by Nirvana. I swear. Why you may ask. It's because when it first came out, my friend Jeff played that on every instrument he could find. I mean, the guy is obviously a good musician, but dang get a new song. Now when I hear it on the radio I think of band class.

What song do you hear that really fills you full of regret?
Regret? The lion sleeps tonight because it reminds me of my dad. Makes me regret not hanging out with him more. You know teenagers, they don't hang with their parents. Now that he's gone, I don't get that chance. I don't regret much in life, but that's the main one.

What song restores your faith in humanity?
I guess I'm still looking for the faith. Ok, I'll say "I love chocolate milk" by scribble monster

What song truly makes you smile?
Most music does - well except sad songs, but even then it's a good thing. In the mood made popular by Glenn Miller

What song can’t you wait to play for your kid?
My kids listen to whatever we do anyway, so they've heard everything

What song didn’t used to mean anything to you… and now it really does make an impact?
no answer, still thinking

What song takes you back to college?
Anything by the Beastie Boys, DRI, Body Count, lots of things. I lived in the "arts" dorm. Lots of music. Oh, but I'll pick Rancid's Ruby Soho just because I had to defend my love for Rancid to the CCP (capital city punks) several times. The whole sell out thing is frustrating. I thought you made music SO you could make a living at it.

What song would be the first song on your iPod if you were stranded on a desert island?
Whatcha Want Beastie Boys (well, at this second!)

What band influenced you the most?

Suicidal Tendencies I guess. Good attitude.

Ok, so

I decided to add a new blog where I can write all the other crap that isn't about my kids' activities. So, it begins.