Saturday, July 14, 2007

a funny kid said

So, we are at the restaurant. There is a fly in the window sill and the kids are poking it and proclaiming it alive and then dead. SEVERAL MILLION TIMES seemingly. Well, it's alive. So anyway, Corey said, "I think it's been sterilized". I'm sorry to say, I laughed my butt off. After I calmed down, I asked her if she meant paralyzed and told her that sterilized meant he was either never having kids again (which is the version that popped in my head making me laugh so hard) or so super clean he could perform surgery. I also defined paralyzed. She nodded slowly and smiled like, "yeah, I got it." And said she meant he was her doctor and he wasn't having any more babies anyway.


captain corky said...

Kids are the greatest! So much fun.

nikki said...

You know it. Just wait a few years. They are fun as babies, but when they start talking! Look out!