Friday, July 6, 2007

Now that you are a mom shouldn't you dress better?

I mean, really? This was the most annoying question I remember from being pregnant with my first child. Oh, it ranks up there with something about my hair. AND, if you know me, you know that I'm not a "traditional" type of person. I mean the name ntaspnkasu that is the screen name of this blog translates to "not as punk as you". I cut my hair how I want and at this time it's long for me at nearly 3 inches. Oh, and I'm sure someone would probably like me to change my musical taste and stuff like that too. But, I digress, so...

I didn't know there was a mom dress code. I even bet you can't guess who asked me if I was going to start dressing better. No, not my boss even though I did work in the same place during both of my pregnancies. Work place dress codes ARE common, but that's got nothing to do with parenthood. Yeah, you got it. Good old mom. You would think that mom's would support you. She did and does on so many things. BUT, she has a definite on how things should be. Apparently, moms don't wear converse all stars or tshirts. Those boots have to go. Don't you know that it's an INSULT to say, "Your momma wears combat boots"? Anyway, why should a mom be your only definition? I want to be a mom, a wife, a teacher, a writer, a student, a music lover, an opinionated woman, and just plain ME.

As a side note, you don't have to wear "mom jeans" just because you are a mom. It's ok. Your belly button does NOT need to be covered by jeans. Your waist is NOT your belly button. T-shirts are fine for just hanging out. They are fine for work if you are used to making messes with 5 year olds all day. They are fine for seeing a band play. And sorry, I will NOT pay tons of money for shoes or purses.

Oh and a question I didn't actually hear, but was told that it was asked, "Is their kid going to be born with colored hair, tattoos, and piercings?" When I heard that one, I was offended as I don't have any of that stuff, and neither did my husband. But I didn't let that show. I said, "Gosh, I hope so. I hope genetics has nothing to do with anything and I get a kid with green hair." It was his sister-in-law though, so whatever. We are the freaks in both families, WHATEVER (favorite word in case you can't tell).

Anyway check this out:
Don’t you wish you could have just handed them this?

Read more at the Parent Blogger Blog Blast today. Seriously, I read a ton of these and just nodded and laughed. I swear I related to so many of these!


mama k said...

Yeah, moms always know how to get ya with those comments.
Being yourself is a good way to teach your kids to be themselves too. Rock on!

I wrote about the sleeping through the night thing at

Karianna said...

Funny... since I dress worse since I became a mom. Of course I try to still look OK, but who has time anymore?

nikki said...

Yeah, there is the fact that there is less time and I'm lucky to get a shower, but you know how it is.