Sunday, November 11, 2007

So, what's going on.

Again, I've been out of the posting thing for over a month. I have an excuse! The first part is that October is always extremely busy. Both kids have birthdays. That's just the tip of it.

October 6th is my oldest child's birthday. It was also the day of the school fun walk. Well, I ended up with a bad stomach virus and all I wanted to do was puke. I normally help at the fun walk, I went up there, but they sent me home. Turns out we had our best ever turnout and the most money ever raised. Well, sadly we were supposed to go to the amusement park with my daughter and her friends that day. We had to postpone. I felt like the bad mom. She did end up having a great day though. She did the walk then my mom took her, her brother, and her friend running around shopping all afternoon. When my mom got tired of the them, she sent the girls with my husband to the movie and the boy went to my brother's.

Then sometime around the 8th, our cable was off. Luckily, my mom dvr'd many of my shows. BUT, we thought it was from late payment, so we had to wait for a week for pay day. (yeah, we are slow payers, sorry, it happens). I was off work, and no cable. In our house, no cable means no internet. BAD. Well, so that all sucked and we went in and paid it. It's usually back on right away when we get home. NOT this time. We call them and ask and turns out our cable was NOT disconnected all that week. We had tech support and everything. The outside cable was chewed up. Apparently one of my amazingly brilliant dogs chewed it in half.

We did the amusement park on the 13th. It was rainy and gross all morning. Of course it was! It ended up clearing soon after we got there and it was great. We had a TON of fun. Got all the kids home around 9pm!!!

Amory had a great party on the 20th with all his friends.

It was a costume party with a bleeding eye cake (yes, I made it, but while I'm proud of it, it's not that big of a deal). I had absolutely nothing planned other than cake. We had it at my mom's house though and she has a huge outside play area, so that was good enough. Fun was had by all.

Then in case that wasn't enough, we did the whole Halloween thing too. Amory decided to be the Boogey Man instead of a vampire. It could have been awesome, but he had no patience for the makeup, so it was just OK, but people liked it. Corey was still a Rockstar Vampire.

So, mix that with basketball, volunteering at the school, work, gymnastics and karate, we have been running. I do plan to write AT LEAST on Mondays again though. Check back tomorrow. (edited to fix pics)


Sunshine said...

The party food is awesome!!!

nikki said...

Thanks, we had so much fun making that cake. The punch was awesome too. It had a floating hand with worms in it. The picture of the punch is the bigger kids looking for the worms.