Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So, yeah

That post the books I read and review them, that didn't work out. I haven't posted since LAST year. I really should try that again. I do read a lot. I actually have taken a break from reading so much, but of course, that's not working. Instead I'm playing sudoku, but I really should read. Next on my agenda to read is Lovely Bones. I'll start it tonight.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Books read in 2010

I'd really like to keep track of all the books I read. There really are quite a few. I will list them and discuss them, but I have no idea what order I read them in. Here's the list of books finished in January, in no particular order:

  1. Just After Sunset by Stephen King I may have finished this in December, but I don't think so. Either way, this book of short stories has stuck with me. I really loved all of them. The story that really got me was Harvey's Dream. Very interesting. I also really enjoyed Anyana. Actually, I liked all the stories.
  2. Another Faust: The First of Another Series by Daniel and Dina Nayeri This book, a young adult novel, was another great read. I can't wait to see what else they have in store. This is a brother and sister writing team, which is amazing in itself. I would kill my brothers before being able to write with them. Anyway, I chose this book because I heard an interview with the authors on NPR. It sounded so amazing, I went in and ordered it immediately. So, this book is a take on the Faust story. Basically it's about making a deal with the devil. But, if you have never heard the Faust story, it won't make a difference, you'll still "get" the book.
  3. The Gutbucket Quest by Piers Anthony and Ron Leming Well, this book was good. Very short and quick book. I always love a Piers Anthony book, and this didn't disappoint. I probably would not have picked up this book without Piers Anthony's name on it. I love everything I've ever read by the man. This book only felt like a touch of Piers in it. The story is about a blues guitar player that is transported some how (maybe through a lightning strike) to a parallel universe. I loved the musical concept of this book. I don't want to give too much away in these books, but in this one there is a guitar called the Gutbucket, and there is a quest concerning it.
  4. Your Heart Belongs to Me by Dean Koontz Dean Koontz is one of my all time favorite authors. I have been reading him since my dad left a book laying around and I picked it up and have tried to read all of his books ever since - about 5th grade. So, typical of Koontz's style, you are pulled in right away even though I felt I had little in common with the protagonist. This guy has everything. Then his heart messes up. As you follow him through the eventual heart transplant, many things come up. Of course why did this perfectly healthy, young guy get sick anyway? Well, you would think that a heart transplant was the end of the adventure and they all lived happily ever after, but no. Soon, he's feeling threatened and is the organ donor wanting her heart back? He is getting messages that "Your heart belongs to me." Definitely recommend this book.
  5. Rant by Chuck Palahniuk Yes, this is the guy who wrote Fight Club. Let me just say that I love that movie. Luckily, I saw the movie first. Rare case, but the movie was better than the book. Also, lucky for me, I read other books by him before reading Fight Club. I felt that he was an amazing writer from the other books I read. Fight Club was a good story, but not great. Rant is interesting, but I have heard many people saying they don't like the format. Basically, it's an interview/oral history and it's written from various view points. I liked it. It also amuses me that the main character Rant Casey, doesn't even get to tell his own story. Why? You can read it and find out! I can't give that away.
So, I think that's all I read in January. I'll check my nightstand, it's full of books. I'm of course reading a book now, so I will have to do a February installment in a couple of weeks.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Winter!

NOT. Man it's cold. I have a severe caffeine addiction. So, even though that little weather channel app I have keeps flashing and telling me it's below freezing and it's a windchill warning, I went out. I was out only a few minutes total. Walk to the car, walk into the gas station (I love QT!), and walk back out. My feet are frozen! I feel like I went out barefoot. Yeah, I have a snow day from work, but it's not being productive. Amory is on the playstation, Corey is on the wii, and I'm obviously on the computer. I guess it's productive in that I posted more than a sentence for the first time in about a year!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Wow, it's been nearly 4 months since I posted. I just set up mobile posting, maybe I'll think of stuff randomly. Maybe I should get over my facebook addiction.

Monday, January 12, 2009


So, I was volunteering in the 5th grade classroom today. I do it every Monday afternoon. (I go to 1st grade in the mornings, they just didn't need me today.) While I'm sitting there, this boy asks me what's my dream. I must have looked blank because he then clarified it by saying, "What do you want from life, you know, your dream."

It's been about 2 hours since he asked me that question, and he continued with, "do you want to be a millionaire, do you want...." until the teacher told him to get back to work. Two hours later, I don't know the answer. When I was little, I wanted to be a doctor. Then I wanted to be a photographer, a musician, a football player for the Chicago Bears, a jedi (yes, the boy gets it from me), a ninja, a Marine or a SEAL, a bartender. Basically, there were a million things I wanted to be and most of them had nothing to do with any of the others. But, what about now. What do I want from life?

I think my life is pretty decent. Sure, more money would be awesome, but what's the trade off? Would I need a different job, or maybe a second job? I'm not willing to do that. What about jobs? Would I want a different job? Right now, I'm happy with my work. Sure, there are tons of things that I can't stand, but I've worked enough to know that all jobs have bad points. My job though, has so many good points, I'm not trading. Just the job part of it alone is great. I work 40 hours, have holidays, vacation, no weekends or evenings, and I only work 4 days! I like it. Also, they are really good about letting us have time off for kid functions if needed. Then, lets look at what I do all day. I teach. What's better than that. You get to experience the joy of learning every day. Sure, some days it could be just the fact that they finally figured out that if you stack big blocks on the bottom, a structure stands better than on little blocks, but that's fine. Then there is the potential you see with so many of the kids is amazing. I have one kid that is so enthralled with anything in the animal kingdom especially bugs. I can see him being a scientist. Also, as you teach, you learn. Thinking again about my budding scientist, this is especially true. He will find something and want to know what it is. We will do research to find out what it is and as much about it as possible. The main thing that he was researching was butterflies and moths during the summer.

Then there is family. My two kids can be a challenge, but they are a lot of fun that I wouldn't change for anything. I also have a great husband. Sure, they all make me crazy once in a while, but ultimately, they are awesome. AND they all put up with me.

So, while I may have given up on my "dreams", I'm sure I'll be fine.

Monday, January 5, 2009

What I've been thinking about

Mostly, I have been thinking about growing up. When I went to grade school, there were several schools in the district. I just checked, they only have 5 there now, but that's not my story. My story is that I went to almost all the grade schools in that town. Even if there were only 5, that's still more than one a year. I was there only until 4th grade. Kindergarten was at it's own building. Anyway, then we moved when I was going into 5th grade. I went to two schools in 5th grade. We actually stayed in Lincoln, NE all the way until 8th grade. That was huge, of course we went to Jr. High so technically that's two schools. I begged not to move. My family left NE a couple months before I did. I got to stay with my grandparents for half of a semester. I moved to good old Kansas over winter break. I hated it. We moved to a small town from a big city. I had friends in Lincoln and a whole world that we all had conquered.

So anyway, towards the end of 8th grade, I had to go to a new school in a small town. Everyone knew everyone else and had known them since basically birth. That is not all that cool. Being the new kid sucks. If you have never been a new kid, believe me, I was the perpetual new kid, it sucks. No, people weren't mean or rude or anything, they just have this history. They've been going to each other's birthday parties since before kindergarten. Thinking back, I'm not so sure I went to any classmate birthday parties. Maybe they didn't have those in Hiawatha. Maybe we were too old and I didn't know. Sure, I did make friends, and ultimately, it wasn't a horrible place to grow up. Some of my best friends are from there and my husband is from Hiawatha.

But, what's bothering me is that I don't have NO one that I have a life long connection with. I see people from all over on facebook posting pictures of themselves with their friends from kindergarten and they are my age and older and are still friends with these people. Well, of course there are younger people that have life long friends, too.

So, my goal in my present life is to NOT move a million times and let my kids stay in the same area. There are positive aspects to moving so much. I'm really good with names and faces. I can observe all things from any angle and don't have to be involved in everything. I honestly don't care what's popular or what other people think about my choices. I'm also good at doing stuff fast (coming in the middle of a semester and still required to do all the work causes that one) and I can do it by myself.

Things I feel that I'm missing from moving so much really aren't as numerous now that I think about it. I do have a hard time getting comfortable enough to not be shy. For example, if I go somewhere new, I'm quiet, hang back and take it all in. People that I've known for a long time don't know this, they think I'm out going. Or if you met me when I was in one of my comfort zones you might think I'm fine. I don't have long term memories of many people. If I think of my best friends from Washington, I still think of them as my best friends. Sure, I added them as friends on Myspace, but I don't really KNOW them. Also, the last time I saw them was when I was 18, so they were too. Of course, now it seems like they should still be 18. Then my best friend from Lincoln. He's my friend on facebook. If I'm honest, I think of him as a 12 year old. Seriously, this was my best friend for 3 years. We were always together. I moved away and started over. He probably has other childhood friends that he continued to be friends with and is still friends with.

Anyway, what's everyone else think? Do you think moving around a lot is hard on a kid? Would you try not to move too much, or is it not a big deal? Like I said, I hope to stay put so our kids can just have the long term bonds. Also, did you move around a lot? How did you deal with it? I'm sure each personality handles each thing differently, I don't think my brother really cares that we moved so much, but I did.

Friday, November 28, 2008